The Best Way to Hit Your Goal!
When you have a specific purpose in mind like a vacation or holiday spending, a Club Savings Account is a great way to make sure you have the funds you need, when you need them! Set aside a pre-determined monthly, weekly or bi-weekly amount – withdrawn from your savings account or paycheck – that will get you to your goal and relax knowing that when it’s time to spend, you’ll have the funds you need! No more relying heavily on high-interest store cards or other credit cards! And you’ll be amazed how much more fun it is to spend, when you have the money!
Choose from the FD Holiday Club Account, FD Vacation Club Account, or create your own name for the secondary savings Club Account and save for what you need! Club Account contributions are for an extra savings to help you get ahead on your saving goals!
Get started down the road to “happier” spending by opening your Club Account today!
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